Alternative metrics

Published on September 28, 2023   31 min

A selection of talks on Technology & Operations

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Hello everyone. My name is Enrique Orduna. I'm Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia here in Spain. I'm so happy to share with you this presentation it's about alternative metrics, or altmetrics, as it's commonly referred to. We can use a lot of different names to refer to this topic or this field of knowledge. For example, social media metrics. I'm involved in this area for ten years more or less. I'm very intensely publishing and participating in a lot of conferences and events around this topic. I will be happy to share with you ideas and topics and tips just to use altmetrics for research assessment.
Here we have the main goals for this presentation. The main objectives, I just present. First step is just to let you know, the beginning, the rise of the altmetrics field. It happened more or less at 2010 but obviously we have pioneer studies about altmetrics. The purpose is just to let you know what altmetrics is and what altmetric is useful for. Second step is just to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages that we have about the use of altmetrics for research evaluation. Research evaluation is an emerging topic for us it's highly needed to understand the reason and the behavior of altmetrics in order to compliment research evaluation beyond accounting citations and counting publications in general journal. So it's very important for me this goal. Analyzing the pros and cons of the altmetrics. The third step is just to highlight a case study. In this case, I'm going to show you an example with an Spanish journal, profesional informacion in English is professional of information. We will learn how to use altmetrics at the journal level and how we can manage and take decisions analyzing, collecting data related to the performance of publications on the web. Finally, I will finish my presentation just summarizing some best practices and tips in order to use, in an appropriate way, altmetrics at the journal level.