Individuals and university-industry cooperation

Published on June 29, 2023   32 min

A selection of talks on Management, Leadership & Organisation

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Hello, my name is Ekaterina Albats. I am a post-doctoral researcher at LUT Business School, LUT University in Finland. I'm an expert in innovation management, knowledge and technology transfer and particularly academia industry collaboration. Today I'm gonna talk about the role of individuals in university industry collaboration, or cooperation. Before I move to the role of individuals, into the actual topic of today, I really want to zoom off to the global picture and explain why individuals or boundary spanners play such an important role in inter-organizational collaboration. Why is it all important?
We all know that economic shocks matter. We still remember the crisis from 2008. Of the latest we have the COVID crisis. We have geopolitical shocks, which all lead to deglobalization trends, to companies and all other organizations becoming more and more disconnected, more focused on what is happening inside the company or into their close circle of organizations and ecosystems. What is waiting for us ahead?
In terms of where are we going in all these disruptions, the experts from the World Economic Forum, particularly the futurists, talk about the four possible scenarios in terms of two-dimensions, physical and vertical integration. In the most optimistic scenario, the globalization comes back and the reconnection of organizations happens in terms of both physical and vertical integration. In the scenario 2, the physical integration increases, but the virtual fragmentation takes place. There is a growing disconnect, cultural and security considerations that have led to a backlash against global digital platforms viewed as sources of increased vulnerabilities and divergence. In the scenario 3, vertical integration takes place, but the physical fragmentation comes in. It happens when, for instance, input restrictions take place, competition for food is increasing, competition for energy and other commodities while the technology platform in turn and other online services, continue to multiply with rising economic and political importance. In the scenario 4, the most pessimistic scenario, there is systemic fragmentation, where both the physical and the vertical integration decrease and organizations become more and more distant from each other.

Individuals and university-industry cooperation

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