Developing blockchain-based business globally

Published on March 30, 2023   21 min

A selection of talks on Finance, Accounting & Economics

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Hello, my name is Ausrine Silenskyte from the University of Vaasa. In this lecture, we will discuss about developing blockchain-based business globally.
In this lecture, we'll try to touch on four areas. First, we will understand what blockchain-based business is. Then we will have a brief overview about the business and regulatory environment for developing such business. Afterwards, we'll discuss key elements of blockchain-based business. Finally, we will end this lecture with investigating how blockchain-based business strategically respond to very complex, uncertain and regulatory incomplete environment. When discussing the latter, we will analyze several case examples. Without further ado, let's get started.
Blockchain technology has been known for many years. In rough terms, blockchain is a database of a specific kind. Recently, this technology was applied in a myriad of new ways, which led to the emergence of different blockchain-based businesses. Thus, we should start from a brief discussion on what falls under this concept and what does not. First, when we talk about blockchain-based business, we have in mind various entrepreneurial efforts that intend to utilize public blockchain, such as a Ethereum or NEAR, for business development. These are companies that for example, develop decentralized apps, so-called apps, or engage in decentralized finance DeFi development, or otherwise utilize public blockchain for various businesses. Blockchain based business could also be firms for instance legal advisors or marketing agencies that primarily serve businesses that build on public blockchains. This means that blockchain-based business does not consider private blockchains used within some large corporations, or consortium blockchains used by several companies in for example supply chain management. Instead, when we discussed blockchain-based business, we're discussing at least at this point, smaller firms that are laden by opportunities arising from the features of the public blockchain, such as decentralization, removal of intermediaries, and trust via 'code is law' principle. The blockchain based business creates their value propositions within an emerging crypto economy and Web 3, exploring alternatives to the existing business models.

Developing blockchain-based business globally

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