Using social media in corporate communication

Published on February 27, 2022   26 min

A selection of talks on Strategy

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Hello, I'm Dr. Vidhi Chaudhri, Associate Professor in Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. My research and teaching interests span various topics and organisational communication and public relations, including corporate social responsibility, social mediated organisational communication, crisis and reputation management, digital activism and employee engagement. At Erasmus University Rotterdam, I teach both in the master' and bachelor's programs, and also supervise master's theses.
In today's talk, I will be addressing the social media developments in the field of corporate communication. It is a broad topic, and although social media have almost become ubiquitous in our personal lives, organisations are still grappling with the manifold opportunities and challenges that social media present to them. We will go through some of the key developments in corporate communication and how the field of practice and study has changed in the context of these developments, and later on in the presentation, zero in on a specific development. Namely, how NGOs or non-governmental organisations are using social media to call out corporations and to challenge irresponsible business practice.
These developments are also the subject of my co-authored book with Prof. Asha Kaul titled "Corporate Communication Through Social Media: Strategies for Managing Reputation".
The key questions we will consider in today's presentation are as follows: how and in what ways has corporate communication changed due to digitalization? How can organisations prepare for, adapt to, and leverage communication possibilities in the digital age? And finally, an important question, what constitutes reputation management in the all-pervasive social-mediated era? Assuming that the bedrock of corporate communication is to build and maintain favorable reputations, the last question is critical. What constitutes reputation management in the social-mediated era?

Using social media in corporate communication

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