Metabolomics flux introduction

Published on March 29, 2018   23 min

A selection of talks on Metabolism & Nutrition

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Hello. I am Marta Cascante. I am Professor at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the University of Barcelona. I study molecular basis of disease, integrating experimental and computational approach into a framework of system biology and system medicine with a focus on metabolic adaptation accompanying essential sulfates of pathological alterations associated with multi-factorial disease, such as cancer. Long-term goal of our research is to develop new therapies and new biomarkers. Hi. I'm Igor Marin. I am a computational biologist, and I am currently a Postdoc Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, run by the Spanish National Research Council. My research interest lies at the intersection of computational methods and solar systems. More specifically, my research is focused on developing and applying tool space and computational modeling to study the metabolic continual mechanism underlying cellular disorders. So today, we are going to introduce computational modeling and metabolic fluxes, concepts in the context of systems biology approach.
This lecture is organized in three parts. First part, the introduction to the concept of systems biology and modeling. After, we will talk on the genome-scale metabolic network modelings, and finally, we will introduce you on how to store and exchange models with SBML files. First, we will talk on what is system biology.